Chapter 1
Despite the numerous public health issues, the one addressed here is HIV/AIDS with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) being the virus that leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Known to have started in the 1930s, the diseases as researched over the years is known to have a severe effect on the cells that are responsible for the immune system of the body increasing the victims vulnerability to other diseases that are most probable reasons to cause a the victims death. The virus is also known to be transmitted through body fluids like saliva, blood and sexual fluids (Parker, & Aggleton, (2003).
There have been many researches on the control of the disease since its start but at current, its cure has not yet been established but some scientific success in the discovery of medicine that control the rate of multiplication of the virus in the body mostly referred to as antiretroviral (Parker, & Aggleton, (2003).
The disease having numerous causes from blood transfusion, unprotected sexual activity with a victim among others, and the fact that it does not have a specific population it can only affects, anyone is prone to acquire the diseases. Projections by the year 2016 indicated that more than 650,000 people in the united states had lost their lives to the diseases since its beginning. According to the united nations AIDS control organ statistics it was found out that by the year 2009, the number of Americans living with virus had gotten to more 1.2 million with around 25% being people of the female gender. From general HIV statistics some of the most affected groups of people were established with the most affected being the African Americans and men who practice gay with statistics showing that at the current rate one out of six gay men will end up testing positive in the future. (United nations AIDS control).
Chapter 2
In the support of HIV/AIDS victims to live a normal life away from stigmatization and in the move to cub the whole situation among the campaigns staged were campaigns in creating awareness to people in the society not to stigmatize AIDS victims but to embrace them in the society. Most HIV victims of AIDS often felt socially excluded by the healthy people and so there arise need to encourage the society on the total normality of a HIV victim and there care so as to help them access medication and testing services often as scheduled by their relevant medical professionals. Statistics also indicate that, with HIV and AIDS infection numbers rising to 40,000 per year, factors like stigma are among the hindrances that are related to causing infected victims being reluctant to seek for proper medical care, testing and HIV prevention. With the companions against stigmatization there has been a statistical indication of up 37% of successful AIDS control medication cover all over the United States. (Chaitow 1999)
There has also been an initiative in the creation of awareness on the knowledge of HIV/AIDS and how the general population can avoid further infections or generally controlled rates of the infections among the population. The awareness program is mostly staged to a target at some key issues like behavioral and medical issues mainly aimed at the population that is at the most risk of infection, some specific awareness program have been created to also reach out to special groups of the population like drug addicts especially those whose main way of drug abuse is injection of the drug into the body system with most people coming out to do the awareness sometimes being reformed addicts. Just in the awareness program, there also have been campaigns that urge everyone in the population to have regular checkups and testing. (Bells, Selby, McMickens, 2011)
Among the things that have made these campaigns successful are correct allocations of resources according to the level of prevalence in the states. Some states with high levels of prevalence have had more allocations with populations in these areas being made close to HIV and AIDS control measures and activities like availability of more condoms to the prone age group and more awareness programs like in schools, many groups created to reach out the general population about the virus and testing kits being available everywhere with some days created for massive social testing and awareness in those most prone and also the virus controlling medication for those who are already affected (Joint United Nations Programme 2007).
The awareness creation has also created a need for more drug distribution level and with the level of stigma over the years victims have always gotten positive about the medication process and therefore a need that also needed availability of the antiretrovirals with projections now being positive that people infected with the virus can still live a positive, happy and productive lifestyle and an elongated life span for the victims. Although statistics show that those who are diagnosed with HIV/ADS are often at will to make behavioral changes that could put them at risk of being infected with sexually transmitted diseases and promoting the spread of HIV/AIDS some opt not to change and continue with a risky lifestyle or some change to the better lifestyle but as time moves by thy resume a risky lifestyle (Joint United Nations Programme 2007).
Chapter 3
The target on reduction of stigma was also an effective campaign since with the reduced levels of stigma among patients with HIV and AIDS, the society view about HIV patients has changed and mostly to the positive side with the healthy people embracing the victims in their social lives and encouraging them in awareness programs to live positive and maintain medication and their health lives. This has been seen as a big step towards the encouragement of the people living positive to live normally, watch their behavioral actions, maintain their medical schedules and live to achieve their lives too. Among the benefits of this, there has been a general increase in cases of victims living positively and normally in the society and also has been a reduction in the number of infected victims over the years as in the statistics.
The US being a major donor in the fight of the AIDs pandemic worldwide, it should also narrow to total control of the disease in the states. The government and its health departments should put in place laws to help AIDS victims in a way that they can have access to the most affordable medical care systems. Provide support to all HIV awareness campaign and community groups so as to generally have everybody cautious on the situation and finance heavy research toward the realization of a medical cure (Parker, & Aggleton, (2003).