For a society to develop and provide an efficient work force its health systems needs to be of the appropriate standards to meet the society’s demand. In healthcare sector quality is of at most importance (Alemian, 2016) however there are various challenges facing healthcare organization hence does not meet the expected quality standards. The major challenges facing these organization are such as the swapping of volume-based health care, increasing cost of the services, and inadequate talent (Alemian, 2016) these challenges are inseparable since in one way or another one challenge leads to another for instance due to the transitioning towards value-based healthcare quality has become of more importance than before of which it is expensive to offer such services. It is therefore a proof that because of these challenges healthcare organization may fail to fulfill its main purpose of providing affordable and quality healthcare service to the community.
All organization in various sectors such as agriculture, industrialization, and transport have mission, visions and values that explain the organization’s purpose and its intention. All in conjunction the mission statements support the vision and communicates direction to its stakeholders whereas the values assist it the running of the daily activities of the organization. Similarly, healthcare organizations have mission, vision and values which serve the same purpose, in relation to this the seeks use Gwinnett Medical Center, GMC (Gwinnett Medical Center, 2018)as its case study whose is mission is “provide quality healthcare to the community”, vision “To be health system of choice to the community by enhancing the health of the patients” and basic values such as “Safety first and foremost, patient centered, respect to individuals, pursuit for excellence and service to community”.
Chapter 1
To achieve the transition from volume-based healthcare to value-based healthcare their various protocols which may lead to various demands such installation of modern medical equipment and above all hiring of talented medical practitioners, all these advancements require huge financing hence raising the cost of running the healthcare organization. GMC’s transition will affect its mission of providing quality healthcare in addition it may not uphold the values of being patient centered and service to the community and in return GMC will not realize its vision as community healthcare’s choice. It is evident that this transition may lead to lose of revenues and increased labor cost and in exchange health organization might hire incompetent practitioners which will compromise the quality of healthcare services and standards in general.
Value-based healthcare tends to redefine the payment system used by patient to for the services offered by the providers. Also known as an accountable care (Shah, Arora, & Moriates, 2015) this system is more of procedural where by it collects data, analyzes, and gives a detail report using metrics such as population health, patient engagement, readmission, and the current electronic health records. Under this system various healthcare provider stakeholders come work together to provide quality and affordable services, however the implementation has faced various challenges that need solutions to initiate a smooth transition. This system has different sectors such as risk sharing by partners, offering of contracts to patients, bundling of services and sharing of savings. It is evident the innovation may come with various advantages especially to the patients however the adoptions need a good integration to suite all stakeholders and in the long-run get the most from it.
Chapter 2
For a smooth transition and adoption of value-based healthcare, providers should apply key solution channels. Pension plans prove to be great determinant for when physicians join an organization (Alemian, 2016). Organization should draft appealing pension plan to attract good physicians hence improve the quality of the services. In addition, management should effectively manage shared savings programs to save payments, improve quality and lower costs. If an organization applies the above mechanisms, this may attract and increase its patient volume which in return raises the revenues moreover through organization should streamline their operation and minimize wastages such as unnecessary orders and patient injuries hence preserve resources for future use. Therefore, it is evident through these techniques the value-based healthcare system will be sustainable and the organization will achieve its goals and objectives of providing quality healthcare.
Through the suggested solution GMC will not only realize its vision and mission but also uphold its values. By providing appealing pension plan, GMC will attract talented physicians hence provide a quality healthcare which is in line with the GMC’s mission. Patients tend to seek quality services from the providers, since GMC will acquire a talented professional it will turn out to be the community’s choice which aligns with its vision. Since GMC will become a choice the community and hence increasing the patients’ volume, it will be able to enhance and strengthen its core values such patient centered, service to the community and respect for individuals. Therefore, it evident that the solution will have a direct impact to GMC’s mission, vision, and values.
Chapter 3
As evident in mission, vision and values, an organization has culture and climate that defines it events and activities. Continues beliefs, feeling, assumption and practices on things, events or occasion form an organization’s culture (Ehrhart & Schneider , 2016). Culture acts as a social attachment in aiding organization to provide standards to its employees on what to say or not. Employees learn culture through stories, language, rituals, and material symbols. Different organization use various methods to strengthen their culture such as actions from leader, culturally consistent rewards aligning artifacts, and socializing employees. However, some organizational culture does not result to higher organizational performance (Nahak, 2014) for instance some cultures focus on mental models that could be limiting and others might suppress dissenting values from subcultures. On the other hand, climates refer to the psychological environment as displayed by the organization’s attitude and perception.
The patient’s value and needs provide guidance to all clinical decision. Through GMC’s values the organization has installed culture of ensuring a safety to its patient, demonstrating a high regard for the value and dignity to the patients and physicians, pursuit of the highest great standards in healthcare quality and continued respect of holistic needs the member of the community. In addition, GMC has developed a climate of being responsible and accountable to their actions and how the community at large perceives them. Through the suggested solution in transition and adoption of value-based healthcare system GMC will strengthen it culture by demonstrating high regard in to the patients and physician as result ensuring their safety in addition the community will gain more trust and hence foster its climate.
It is evident that among various measures of healthcare services quality is the epitome measure. As the healthcare tries to meet the set standards of the services there are various challenges that faced which keep on raging everyday for example the recent proposal from the Medicare and Medicaid to shift from the volume-based healthcare also known as Fee-For-Service (FFS) reimbursement to the value-based healthcare, despite the fact that there many benefits accrued to the new healthcare system, it adoption proves to be challenging however the suggested solution are taken into consideration the system will be successful and helpful to health stakeholders. Through the analysis it is evident that patient’s needs and value guide many clinical decisions on the other hand the healthcare system that protects the physicians interest of pension tends to provide quality healthcare therefore through the inter-connection of these sector results to a better healthcare system.
An organization’s performance is totally dependent on the organization’s mission, vision, and values since this where its employees derive the inspiration and ability to deliver its mandate. Through consistency of many activities in an organization creates the climate and culture of an organization where these cultures and climates. The transfer of these cultures and climates to other employees is effective through stories, language, rituals, and symbolic materials. As evident in GMC’s vision, mission, values, culture, and climate is what aids the organization in providing quality healthcare systems. Therefore, it is evident that in case of a change or advancement of an organization mechanism of running its activities will affect its performance. To ensure smooth transfer there is need to initiate favorable measures.